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Testing Out

Testing Out gives a student the opportunity to skip a course if they can demonstrate proficiency in the course material. Each class has a different set of requirements which can range from only passing an exam to completing independent work or portfolio assignments in addition to a required exam. In all cases a C+ (77%) is the minimum score allowed for “passing”. Students who earn a C+ (77%) or better will earn credit for the class and are allowed to enroll in the next course in the sequence. Students who pass a test out exam will receive a grade of P (Pass) on their transcript which will not be calculated in a student’s G.P.A.
Students can attempt to test out of two semester courses during each test out window.  There is no flexibility on the announced test dates each year. Students must be available on the testing date if they want to participate in Testing Out.
To test out of a class you must complete this Test Out Application by March 14, 2025.  You must complete this form for each class you want to attempt the test-out.

Testing Out Application

Important Dates

Important Dates

Registration Deadline: March 14, 2025

Study materials/I Can Statements (if applicable) can be picked up in the main office after March 21, 2025.

Test Out Date: May 22, 2025

Time: 11:00am-2:00pm

Location: Computer Lab 204